Youtube Automation

YouTube automation is a remarkable approach for constructing a channel that fast and organically grows subscribers. YouTube Automation is a way of having videos play automatically after certain time intervals or at specific times. There are many different methods of making videos autoplay. If you want to make videos auto-play then you should remember a few things like Create a video, Select your video, Choose effects, and add text. You can also use Youtube automation through tools.

You can make a good amount through youtube automation. If you are also thinking about starting youtube channel then few things you need to keep in your mind. Don’t worry about these all points because today in this article we will discuss everything.

How do I Make my Videos Auto-Play?

Youtube Automation Method

Create a Video

Start off by just making a video using your camera phone or webcam; don’t worry about what kind of quality it’s going to have or how professional looking it’ll look. As long as you’re happy with the quality, then you’re good to go! You might want to record yourself talking while recording the video if you’d like to make it more interesting. If you have any background music playing while recording, try not to use any copyrighted songs, as they could get taken down by copyright infringement. Once you’ve recorded your video, upload it to youtube and go back to step 1.

Select Your Video

Once you uploaded your video, click browse and select the video you would like to edit. Click on the arrows button above the box where you selected your video, and scroll through the videos until you find the one you want to edit. In our example, we’ll keep editing the same video, just selecting different parts of it.

Choose Effects

Click on the circle icon right below the title of your video. From here, you can choose various effects that will alter the overall appearance of your video. Try changing the color of the text, adding filters, or even adjusting brightness/contrast. Experiment with different options and see what effect you think looks best. When you have chosen the effects you like, simply press save.

Add Text

Now that you’ve applied your desired edits, you can add some text. Simply click on the big red button in the top left corner of the editor window. After clicking on the button, click on the little pencil icon next to the word ‘text’. From here, you can write out whatever text you’d like to appear on the screen. Use this opportunity to explain things about the video to those who would watch it later, or perhaps even give instructions to the person filming the video. To change the font type, size, or color of your text, simply click on the gear icon and adjust these settings accordingly. Clicking on the arrow button will allow you to preview your changes before saving them.


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How to use a tool called Hootsuite?

Use a tool called Hootsuite to schedule videos and YouTube automation to create a series of posts at pre-defined dates, times, and days. Here are the steps on how to use this tool:-

  1. Create a post at least 20 minutes long in advance which includes reference images or footage to illustrate your topic. You want to catch viewers within 10 seconds of them hitting play on their first viewing of the video.
  2.  After you’ve posted your video, go back to your dashboard and click on “Automate”.
  3. Select “Schedule Post” and choose “Daily” under the drop-down menu. Choose a time, then repeat until your list of scheduled posts is complete.
  4. Your video should autoplay at that specific time every day.
  5. If you’re making a video blog, choose “Weekly” instead and set the number of weeks ahead. That way you’ll make sure you don’t miss posting anything.

How do You Make Money from YouTube Automation?

Youtube Automation

If you want to make money from YouTube automation, the answer is pretty simple. You just need to find out how to make money from YouTube. There are many ways to monetize your channel, but most people prefer using Google Adsense. Not only does it add advertisements to videos on your channel, but you can choose what ads appear on your audience’s screen. Because these are targeted, you may end up earning even more than you would if you had no ads at all.

However, some people get discouraged and use manual methods to earn money. In this video, I’ll give you the best way to automate YouTube and start making money today. So you don’t have to worry about having ads running on your page, and you won’t need to create any additional content. All of the work is done for you. Here are some reasons why you should consider using automated YouTube channels:

  • No Need To Create Content Or Watch Views
  • Easy And Simple To Use
  • Auto-Updating
  • Can Be Set To Run 24 Hours
  • 100% Free Of Charge

You get a custom URL that will allow viewers to click your ads directly. When they click on ads, they are taken to either a website, email newsletter, phone number or SMS text message. You also get 100 views a day. Your earnings vary based on how much traffic you attract. Once you sign up, you can select which days you wish to run your ad campaigns. Ads often run automatically, however you can manually activate them as well. If you’d rather not pay monthly, then you can opt to purchase packages of hours instead.

Things To Consider While Starting a YouTube Channel

Choose a good platform to host your videos

A popular platform that people use to share their content is Google Play. It’s free to upload your videos, and they get featured right at the top of the search engine results page. If you’re looking to produce short-form content, though, Vimeo is great because it allows you to add text overlays and rich media.

Build a strong community around your channel

If you plan on having a long-term career on YouTube, then building a strong fan base is critical to success. To achieve this, you need to engage viewers by answering questions they ask about your niche, sharing useful tips and tricks, and providing value. Make sure you don’t forget about the smaller channels either; many successful YouTube stars started small before getting big.

Post consistently

One of the best ways to gain subscribers and views is to post regularly while using tools like Buffer to schedule posts ahead of time. Don’t wait until the last minute to create videos, though. If you miss a deadline, you risk losing potential followers due to your lack of activity. Instead, try posting once per day.

Create engaging content

You can always improve the quality of your content, so don’t be afraid to experiment with new ideas. Try adding live streaming to your channel, or even experimenting with voiceovers or animation.

Understand YouTube’s algorithms

YouTube uses its algorithm to determine where to place your videos. Before you even begin uploading videos, make sure to understand what the algorithm considers valuable content. You don’t want to bombard your audience with low-quality videos, so make sure to upload only high-quality ones, or else your content won’t be seen.

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